Is this One Of The Best Door-To-Door Salesman Ever!?

Is this One Of The Best Door-To-Door Salesman Ever!?

Thanks to a good share in my facebook news feed I just watch this video and it was pretty hysterical!    This kid was selling one of those “Wonder Cleaning” All in one products, and totally owned it.    He was hitting the home owner with punchline after punchline...

7 Reasons why you’re not making sales

If you’re an Entrepreneur, then odds are you have to be closing sales in order to keep your business running forward. If you’re a rookie when it comes to sales, or just looking to refresh your already existing sales skills, I suggest picking up The Sales Bible. Why?...

10 Reasons why you should switch to

If you’ve ever spoken to me, or read my blog, you probably have realized by now that I’m a strong advocate for building websites on   A lot of people ask me, “Cory, why should I switch to”  This article is ment to address that question:...